Impact stories

Start of the cooperative way – overcoming challenges, moving to new perspectives

22 May 2024

The formation of the First Kyiv Sewing Cooperative emerged as a collaborative effort, tackling challenges and exploring new perspectives when three women pooled their resources and expertise to establish a unified brand focused on producing high-quality sewing products. 

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Pedaling to wealth – Donation provides transportation to co-op members

12 April 2024

The VOICE for Women and Girls Program recently distributed 80 bicycles in Kenya, which improves members’ access to transportation and allows them to travel by bicycle to use services, such as healthcare and education while minimizing their environmental impact.

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Volunteer learns about history and culture while working with credit unions

2 April 2024

Lisa Vance wasn't looking to volunteer overseas when she came across the Capacity Building & Training Advisor role with CDF Canada. However, the position intrigued her because it involved two of her biggest passions: adult education and international development.

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Maize and vegetable seeds help co-op members recover from Tropical Cyclone Freddy

26 March 2024

The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada has teamed up with the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation and the Malawi Federation of Cooperatives to support men and women farmers recover from Tropical Cyclone Freddy. The affected farmers are from 12 co-operatives from southern Malawi. 

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“Strong woman, strong world” – International Women’s Day from Northern Ghana

25 March 2024

Hundreds of women chanted “strong woman, strong world, strong woman, strong world" to commemorate International Women’s Day in Northern Ghana.

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Collaborative initiatives driving progress in the sewing industry, nationally and internationally

20 March 2024

The Olyevi Ludan Co-operative in Kharkiv has successfully entered the Ukrainian and international markets. This new co-operative leads in the production of sewing products, which supports the national economy and is initiating innovative projects, producing diverse garment products that are considered niche.  

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SEW Ukraine project focuses on gender equality through the garment industry

19 March 2024

The SEW Ukraine project is using a Gender Equality Strategy to focus on gender equality through the garment industry.

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Solar-power lamps helps families save money and advance gender equality

19 March 2024

Light improves life, especially during the evening. For Asnakech, a mother of three children in Ethiopia, having light in her home has provided her family with many benefits. 

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International Women’s Day highlights progress and future opportunities for women in co-operatives

18 March 2024

The VOICE for Women’s Girls program (VOICE) participated in the International Women’s Day event in Makindu, Makueni County, Kenya. This year’s theme was “Invest in women: accelerate progress” and it resonated well with VOICE’s objective of enhancing inclusion of marginalized populations into economic development and financial access.

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