Where CDF Canada Needs it Most
When you donate to CDF Canada, you are contributing to our overall mission and supporting innovative programs, infrastructure improvements, and important global partnerships. By making a general donation, you entrust us with the discretion to promptly respond to ever-changing global needs. This trust has been our compass, especially during unprecedented and unpredictable situations – ranging from environmental crises to global socio-political shifts.
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Food Security
811 million people in the world go hungry – 276 million people are suffering from increasing food insecurity. Access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food is a basic need with a priority given to the most vulnerable. CDF Canada provides education, agricultural practices, and resources so farmers can generate higher crop yields; allowing farmers to secure enough food for their own needs and produce enough to sell in local markets. This improves the family’s livelihood, strengthens community resilience and their local economy.
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Gender Equality
CDF Canada provides support to communities to strengthen the ability for women to enhance their skills and knowledge. We achieve this through education, training and developing strategies to overcome the many barriers’ women face, such as access to financial services, lack of knowledge or capacity for income generation and inclusiveness in decision-making.
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Climate Action
We’re working to build a safer, healthier and more resilient and sustainable future for people around the world, helping them to rethink the way they produce and consume energy, food and water, protect the forests to advance climate action. Be part of the CDF Canada’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), a movement fostering environmental stewardship aimed at creating lasting positive impacts on communities worldwide.
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Finance & Education
Bridge the financial gap for marginalized populations globally, enhance financial literacy well-being and foster growth through inclusive financial products, services, and education provided by co-operatives and credit unions.
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Women's Mentorship Program (WMP)
In partnership with credit unions from across Canada, the WMP empowers credit union women managers in developing countries around the world from around the world to become frontrunners in their community and workplace through this powerful mentoring and knowledge exchange program.
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Ukraine Rebuilding & Recovery
In crises like this, acts of compassion and generosity can make a huge difference! CDF Canada remains strongly committed to helping co-operatives and credit unions impacted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Donations enable CDF Canada to respond to immediate needs as well as long-term recovery, resilience and supporting thousands of people who have been displaced, lost jobs and income, and more.
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Cameras for Girls Program
Join us in celebrating the tangible impact of our partnership with Cameras For Girls in Africa. Through this initiative, CDF Canada is championing gender equality and poverty alleviation – Cameras for Girls has equipped over 190 aspiring female journalists with the art of visual storytelling and essential skills for their field. The results are inspiring – 72% of these empowered women have secured full-time paid positions, using their newly found voices to share stories that matter. By contributing to our cause, you’re not just supporting individual dreams; you’re fostering community growth, aiding in the alleviation of poverty, and building a foundation for a more equitable future.
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Ian MacPherson Fund
In memory of Ian MacPherson, donations support students in co-operative studies or emerging leaders in the co-operative and credit union sector. Donations provide youth with the opportunity to attend learning events or conferences where they are inspired. Young people gain several benefits such as acquiring new knowledge, ability to expand their perspective, or to present their views by speaking at events.
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