- 4 years
- 2015-2020
Direct Beneficiaries
- 3000
Implementation Partners
Financial Partners
About 40 percent of Mongolia’s labor force are herders because of the 43 million healthy livestock population. However, many issues, including access to finance and markets, make it difficult for herders to justify dedicating resources to improve the quality and quantity of livestock outputs. Faced with producing animals and products that do not meet the necessary quality standards for accessing higher market prices, many herders focus on increasing their herd size. Moreover, with animals competing for already over-grazed pastures, livestock is getting lesser nutrients required to support them through the long winter months.
Working to build herders’ livestock rearing practices to increase the quality and quantity of sheep and camel wool production, CDF Canada is reducing livestock mortality rates and improving financial literacy and agriculture enterprise management skills. The project focuses on developing existing co-operatives to assist women and men herders’ ability to access new markets, extension services, and low-cost quality inputs.
This four-year project led by the CDF Canada focuses on increasing the production and income of herders. Our project aims to:
Key highlights of the projects are:-