Women's Mentorship Program 2024 Hosts

CDF Canada would like to thank all of the Canadian Credit Unions who have volunteered to be hosts for this year's Women's Mentorship Program 2024 participants. Your commitment to fostering leadership and inclusion within the financial sector not only enhances the skills and knowledge of women credit union managers but also strengthens the global community of empowered professionals striving for gender equality. Your dedication to mentorship sets a powerful example, inspiring positive change and paving the way for future generations of female leaders in the credit union industry. Thank you!

2024 Women's Mentorship Program

Our Supporters

Thank you to our corporate and individual supporters for their generous gifts in the recent years.

Access Credit Union
Affinity Federal Credit Union
Arctic Co-op
Atlantic Central
Biggar and District Credit Union
Cambrian Credit Union
Casera Credit Union
Concentra Financial
Cornerstone Credit Union
Credit Union Central of Manitoba
Federated Co-operatives Ltd
First West CU
Fusion Credit Union
Innovation Credit Union
Manitoba Cooperative Association
Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
Prairie Centre Credit Union
Saskatchewan Co-operative Association
Servus Credit Union
Steinbach Credit Union
Stride Credit Union
Sunrise Credit Union
Synergy CU
Vancity Community Foundation

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CDF Canada is closing the gap on gender inequality, promoting financial inclusion and strengthening the resilience and sustainability of co-op communities.

Our Recent Projects

For more than 75 years, CDF Canada has been helping partners in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Eastern Europe build lasting pathways to prosperity. Last year alone, our projects reached 213,000 direct beneficiaries.

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The VOICE for Women and Girls Program is dedicated to advancing gender equality and economic empowerment to 50,000 people. Make a difference in their lives – volunteer in sub-Saharan Africa with us! Apply today: https://cdfcanada-coop.hiringplatform.ca/list/Volunteers #VOICEWNG #BecomingAVolunteer @CanadaDev

🌪️ After Tropical Cyclone Freddy devastated her crops, Roseby Mukawa took charge of her recovery. With support from @CDFCanada, she received seeds, fertilizers & crop cuttings.🌱💪Read how Roseby turned her situation around: https://cdfcanada.coop/overcoming-cyclone-and-drought-vegetable-seed-provides-food-and-additional-revenue-for-farmers-family/ @CanadaDev @MCIC_CA @accosca

🌿 Discover Margret Kholowa’s story! After Tropical Cyclone Freddy, Margret was one of 160 farmers who received support from @CDFCanada. With the help of vegetable seeds, she grew produce that benefited her grandchildren. 👩‍🌾 Learn more: https://cdfcanada.coop/community-resilience-how-margret-supported-community-food-security-in-natural-disaster-aftermath/ @CanadaDev @MCIC_CA

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