CDF Canada is pleased to announce a new partnership with Nature Kenya to support cooperative and community-based development mutually, preserve biodiversity, and conserve important sites and habitats.
CDF Canada and Nature Kenya share a mission to build self-reliant, sustainable cooperative communities across the globe. Climate change has had a significant impact on the livelihoods of humans, but there has been considerable damage to biodiversity and habitats. Thus, our lives are interlinked, and livelihoods, health, and security depend on each other.
Ben Andre, Executive Director, CDF Canada, said, “Preserving biodiversity has been our key approach to build stronger sustainable communities. We are proud to partner with Nature Kenya as they connect to nature and people for a sustainable future.”
Paul Matiku, Executive Director, The Nature Kenya, said, “Nature Kenya’s work is based on partnership, science, and action. We act locally while remaining globally relevant. We are honored to have the opportunity to partner with CDF Canada.”
Through this collaboration, CDF Canada and Nature Kenya will share best practices and lessons learned, provide capacity building and joint studies and research initiatives, and work together for better food security and biodiversity conservation to communities worldwide.