Impact stories

The Future of Farming from Adoja and her Family

25 August 2021

Danakpe Adjoa, a 37-year-old smallholder farmer and community volunteer agriculture extension agent (CVAEA) from Upando, Ghana, has been farming groundnuts for the past five years. She never had a good harvest, but things have been different this year, and she is expecting a good crop year. Groundnut farming is the main farming activity for most […]

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Food Security Response during COVID-19

13 July 2021

I have a vegetable garden that I tend for my family and sell the extra in the nearby market. If it were not for the ACCESS projects, I would have been looking for firewood in the forest to sell for money, said Selmata, Wechiau Community, Ghana. I don’t worry about what I am going to […]

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Collaborate to Rebuild Better Tomorrow!

30 June 2021

The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread, with the mandatory shutdowns to confining people to their homes have changed the dynamics of societies and economics.  The pandemic tested the resilience of our existing systems, from healthcare, education, supply chain to financial markets. Investment in people, processes, and infrastructure is needed more than ever in rural […]

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CDF Canada is celebrating International Women’s Day

8 March 2021

For International Women Day, CDF Canada, with funding from Global Affairs Canada, would like to support the work of women in the world. In 2021, women are still the majority of those living in poverty and gender inequality is a key driver of poverty. Women make up less than 24% of the world’s parliamentarians and […]

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Go for the Goals!

14 February 2021

Barbara Kuzyk; CDF Canada; Malawi “This volunteer opportunity allowed me to use skills and help farmers transform from an association of individuals to a business cooperative.  “ Barb’s role with our partners is to provide mentorship to local agricultural cooperatives on business development. They work together to create strategic plans to achieve specific goals that will: Increase Wealth and Food Security through the Integrated […]

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CDF Canada is celebrating International Development Week

10 February 2021

Patrick Clark, Volunteer; CDF Canada; Peru “Co-operatives are the ideal model of economic and social development for me because they democratize the economy and give people more power over their own lives and work in practice, not just in-theory. Co-operatives are a holistic form of social and economic organization and in this sense co-operative development can […]

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How COVID- 19 affects farmers and how CDF helps

25 January 2021

The Ghana ACCESS project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, is making big changes in the life of smallholder farmers in Ghana. Our team conducted a rapid data collection, and the results are in: 98% of the 791.16 hectares (1.995 acres) of maize farms cultivated by smallholder farmers with the project’s support were successful. The analysis […]

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A ray of hope in the fight against COVID-19

27 October 2020

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on smallholder farmers in Ghana, leaving many deeply concerned about putting food on their table following the start of the pandemic. Rose Bohnia is a single mother of two. She lives with her sick mother and five other dependents in Nyoli, a poor rural community in the Wa West […]

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An eye-opening experience for Jaaja and James

14 August 2020

James Gmayepoan and his wife Jaaja Ntawan are the proud parents of four children. They live in Kotoya, Nanumba South District, Ghana. James and Jaaja are smallholder farmers who grow maize. Together the cultivate around three acres of land. Their small farm is around 50 meters from the 4R learning site in Kotoya. This year […]

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